Packing UIKit’s ViewController in SwiftUI

Badarinath Venkatnarayansetty
2 min readMar 31, 2020

Let’s say if we have any UIViewController to be used on any SwiftUI based app we have to follow below steps

Extend the protocol UIViewControllerRepresentable

Implement makeUIViewController and updateUIViewController

However writing a wrapper provides easier way to use it inline for any of the viewControllers.

Here two closures one each for the requirement of UIViewControllerRepresentable.

@autoclsore which will enable us to keep the conventions of UIViewControllerRepresentable and create our views lazily without requiring any additional syntax during calling.

When accessing a ViewController there might be some cases where accessing Context might be required , so let’s added some convenience initializers with just ViewController and without Context

Here’s the usage of it, let’s say u have EntryViewController

References :

Happy Coding..!!



Badarinath Venkatnarayansetty

Staff Engineer @ Intuit | Building Mobile App experiences , Generative AI , Data